Our Parish and caring for one another at this critical time - A message from Tullamore Parish

In recent weeks, the coronavirus outbreak has had a profound impact on all of our lives.

We have to take measures to protect ourselves and others. As a Christian community we are acutely aware of the responsibility to care for those who are most at risk.

Tullamore Parish has implemented the following changes during this critical time:

All Public Masses will be suspended with immediate effect until further notice from the statutory authorities. 

In these extra-ordinary circumstances all parishioners are dispensed from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass. They are encouraged to participate in religious services and unite in prayer via radio and on-line facilities. Those particularly at risk or those with underlying conditions are advised to remain at home.

The Church will open each day 10.30am to 6pm each day for private and personal prayer. In these difficult and uncertain times, people find strength, consolation and hope in prayer. It is therefore important the Church offers a message of hope and consolation at this time. 

Daily Mass Schedule: The priests of the parish will continue to offer daily Masses in the Church at 7.30am, 10am and 7.30pm without a congregation present. These Masses can be followed through the webcam service, accessed at www.tullamoreparish.ie. Although parishioners will not be in attendance, these Masses will be offered for the intentions previously booked. 

Sunday Mass Schedule: Sunday Masses in the Parish Church will be broadcast via webcam at 6.30pm(Sat), 8.30am, 10am. 11.30am and 1pm. As with the daily Masses, these Masses will be offered by the priests of the parish for the intentions previously booked.

Altar Servers: should not serve at Masses during this period.

Should families wish to reschedule daily or Sunday Masses, please contact the Parish Office.

Funerals: The parish will continue to celebrate the funeral rites of the Church during this period. Requiem Masses will be celebrated as the need arises with only the immediate family and relatives in attendance. We wish to express our thanks to our local Funeral Directors for their support at this sensitive time. 

Weddings: At present, wedding ceremonies can be celebrated with a small number of people present. If couples wish to discuss these restrictions or reschedule, they should contact their local priest or the Parish Office.

Baptisms: Baptisms will proceed as scheduled; however only parents and godparents should be in attendance. Parents with baptisms booked can contact the Parish Office and reschedule if necessary. Please note: a new date cannot be given until restrictions are removed. 

Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament: 6.30pm each evening, there will be Rosary and Benediction. Parishioners are encouraged to unite in prayer via the webcam in the safety and comfort of their own homes. 

Stations of the Cross: will be lead each day at 9.45am.

The sick and housebound: The priests of our parish will continue to minister to those who are sick and in need of anointing and viaticum. Contact should be made with the Parish Office for the priest to call to administer the sacraments.

For those who are housebound we would remind them of the services provided by EWTN (Sky 588) and Radio Maria (Saorview, Channel 210 or by downloading their free app - Radio Maria Ireland).

Our priests continue to offer a full chaplaincy service to our local hospital and their pastoral care of the sick and dying will remain an integral part of their ministry during these times. 

All non-essential pastoral gatherings and meetings such as Parish Pastoral Team, Baptism meetings, Parish Finance Committee are cancelled until further notice.

This is a situation that is evolving very rapidly and we will try to meet the needs of parishioners as best we can.

Special Appeal

In Tullamore, as in every parish, our income has been almost obliterated. We have made big cutbacks in spending and wages but we still have to run the parish and we have financial responsibilities to those employed. We depend completely on the support and generosity of parishioners and we need your help. You can donate to the parish in a number of ways:-

1) Cash or cheque donations can be left into the Parish Centre, or Parochial House or into the Yellow Collection Box at the Harbour Street entrance to the Church.

2) Credit card donations can be made by phoning the parish office at 057-9321587

3) On the parish Website there is a Go Fund me option. www.tullamoreparish.ie

4) Credit Transfer to Tullamore Parish Account.

Bank of Ireland, Tullamore, Co. Offaly

IBAN – IE34 BOFI 9019 0987 1557 41


Please include your email or postal address so that we can acknowledge your donation.


This is an occasion for all of us - especially in families to pray more intensely for each other and especially for those who have succumbed to the illness. It is a time when we can reach out to others, a phone call to a neighbour living alone and particular care of the elderly and those who are vulnerable. We should pray also for those in the frontlines - especially doctors, nurses and medical staff and other carers, including clergy - that the Lord will protect them as they place their own wellbeing at risk in the service of all. In this time of need we trust in the Lord.


A prayer at this time of coronavirus.

Jesus Christ, you are our refuge from one generation to the next.

Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of this virus, that we may experience your healing presence.

* Heal those who are sick with the virus.

* Heal us from our fear and worry.

Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty.

* Be with those who have died. May they be at rest in your eternal peace.

* Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals. May they know your inspiring presence.

* Be with us that we may act with care.

* Be with the leaders and those who have responsibilities. Give them the wisdom and insight to make good decisions.


Be with us in our time of need, calm our anxieties and bring your healing and peace.
