Vicky Phelan.

Vicky Phelan to speak at ODVSS event

The cervical cancer campaigner Vicky Phelan is one of the guest speakers at Offaly Domestic Violence Support Service (ODVSS)'s Annual International Women's Day Brunch in the Bridge House Hotel on Monday, March 2.

Limerick native Vicky, who has terminal cervical cancer, has campaigned for awareness since she brought the HSE to court over incorrect smear test results. She also blew the whistle on the cervical scandal.
The book she wrote about her experiences, 'Overcoming', recently won An Post book of the year.

ODVSS's other guest speaker on the day is Melatu-Uche Okorie. Nigerian-born and  a newcomer to Ireland's literary scene, she came here 12 years ago seeking asylum and spent eight-and-half-years in direct provision.

Anne Clarke manager of ODVSS said: “We are delighted to have two strong and determined women as our guest this year. International Women’s Day is about recognising women and their strength. Many times women fail to see that inner strength. “Each year we like to inspire women to reach inside and find the courage to overcome adversity. Women how support women can achieve great things”.

This is a free event but booking is essential as tickets are limited.  If you would to attend contact Anne/ODVSS on 0579351796  or email Only those registered will be allowed to attend so booking advisable. The event runs from 12.45-2pm.

If you have experienced domestic violence and abuse contact the ODVSS helpline on 0579351886 to speak with our support team,