INTO president Carmel Browne pictured during her recent visit to St Brendan's Primary School in Birr.

INTO president pays visit to Birr primary school

St Brendan's Primary School in Birr was "delighted and honoured" to have the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) president Carmel Browne visit the school last month.

This was the first-ever visit of an INTO President to our school, which principal Niall Crofton said was a special moment given the school's proud union involvement among its staff over the years.

Carmel Browne has supported teachers in the Birr / Banagher area for many years in her role on the INTO National Executive, and the school principal said it was lovely to have her pay an official visit in her presidential year.

On February 10, Carmel came and met the boys from fifth class, second class and junior infant classes.

The boys had a great chat with her about education and the new maths curriculum which Carmel is passionate about.

The INTO president was able to see first-hand how the school is adapting to the new teaching methodologies and how use of a variety of concrete materials can enhance math learning.

The school thanked the teachers Ms Daly, Mr Forde and Ms Pilkington, and their classes, for the warm welcome and the boys and teachers also got the treat of wearing Carmel’s golden presidential chain.

Teacher John-Paul Kneafsey, INTO president Carmel Browne, and St Brendan's Primary School principal Niall Crofton.

For her visit St Brendan's Primary School held its teacher appreciation day and the Board Of Management kindly provided a coffee van with coffee and bun for all school staff to brighten a Monday.

Carmel loved meeting the teachers and having the opportunity to listen to their experiences and outlining INTO support for education in Ireland.

The visit was organised by teacher, and INTO Birr Banagher Secretary, John-Paul Kneafsey and the school principal, and INTO Principal Rep on National Committee, Niall Crofton.