Motorist detected at almost twice speed limit in Offaly
A motorist was detected driving at almost twice the speed limit in Offaly yesterday.
The incident occurred in Cloghan when Gardaí from Birr detected a motorist travelling at a speed of 97 km/h in a 50 km/h zone through Cloghan.
The incident occurred during the National Slow Down Day which ran to 7am this morning.
Elsewhere in the midlands, Longford Roads Policing Unit detected a motorist traveling at a speed of 106 km/h in a 50 km/h zone close to a primary school in Longford. The driver tested positive for cocaine and cannabis and was arrested.
An Garda Síochána detected 630 drivers travelling in excess of the applicable speed limit.
Of those detections, 281 drivers were intercepted by Gardaí.
Gardai said while this was a welcome reduction on detection rates during previous National Slow Down Days they continue to ask that drivers are mindful of the need to slow down especially over the busy Christmas period.