The Midland Regional Hospital in Tullamore.

High rate of patient satisfaction reported in Tullamore hospital survey

The HSE said the results of its 2024 National Inpatient Experience Survey showed that 88% of respondents had either a "good or very good" overall experience of the care they received at the Midland Regional Hospital in Tullamore.

The detailed survey, which consisted of 52 questions, was conducted nationally in hospitals during May of this year with more than 12,000 patients participating.

A statement issued by the HSE on the Tullamore findings said that 61% of patients who completed the survey described their care experience at the hospital as "very good", with 27% categorising it as "good".

The HSE added that, across all areas of this year's survey, the hospital in Tullamore had scored above or similar to the national average.

But it said that, despite the overall positive feedback, patients had identified a number of key areas to be improved.

Areas for improvement included, "Availability of food for patients outside of regular mealtimes (with the exception of tea and toast). For example, if a patient had missed a mealtime as a result of fasting for a procedure."

In addition, patients provided feedback on mixed-gender wards, saying they felt it would be "more appropriate, and they would be more comfortable, in single-sex male and female wards when possible."

Other feedback highlighted "a lack of written information on discharge for patients and their families."

The HSE said a number of improvements were to be implemented at the hospital in Tullamore on foot of the survey, including: the installation of digital screens in the main Outpatients Department to keep patients well-informed, new signage in the Outpatients Department, and a "new ticketing and queuing audio aid system to make check-in more efficient and inclusive of those who may have additional needs".

Regarding meal arrangements, the hospital said a digital menu ordering system would be created in order to "standardise menus and ordering systems, and replace an outdated paper system".

Leaflets are also due to be created for patients being discharged, in order to provide answers to frequently asked questions.

Clare Conway, Quality & Patient Safety Manager at Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore said: "A number of areas for improvement were identified as a result of the last National Inpatient Experience Survey. We have used the 2024 results to develop quality improvement plans, to ensure patients’ priorities are being addressed going forward."

Louisea Burke, Interim General Manager at Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore added: "Feedback from our patients is invaluable.

"These results offer clear insights into what we are doing well and highlight areas where we can introduce new practices and measures to drive further improvement, ensuring we continue to deliver an excellent standard of care."