Nine local sites probed over peat extraction

By Rebekah O'Reilly

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is investigating nine sites in Offaly, as it revealed 38 sites across the country are being probed for potential unauthorised peat production.

The sites identified are primarily based in the Midlands. Alongside the nine sites in Offaly, there are also nine in Westmeath being examined.

Investigations by the EPA have uncovered data, including drone footage, on what it said was "illegal industrial scale peat extraction activities" on peatland sites less than 50 hectares and has provided this information to the relevant local authorities.

In a statement, the EPA said: “The unauthorised exploitation of peat on an industrial scale is causing the destruction of important natural habitats and is compromising the role these peatlands play in helping society mitigate the impacts of and adapt to climate change.

It said it had been “investigating large scale illegal commercial peat extraction for a number of years, and has had recent success in the courts.

“The EPA is very concerned regarding the extent of ongoing illegal activity and the widespread disregard for environmental law. This remains a key enforcement priority.”

The authorisation of industrial scale peat extraction is governed by a complex set of regulations with the EPA regulating activities greater than 50 hectare. Local authorities have roles in regulating commercial peat extraction that is less than 50 hectares.

EPA has requested each council prepare county and site-specific plans to address illegal activities.

Fine Gael Cllr John Clendennen said a workable solution needs to be found amongst all the stakeholders in the peat industry.

"People's livelihoods are at stake here. There's a changing approach to carbon emissions, and the message I would get is that there's a lack of clarity around what the regulations are.

"My goal is that we'll get all the stakeholders, including the EPA, local authorities, and private owners, around the table to find a solution."