A total of 48 Offaly clubs will benefit from this latest round of Sports Capital Grant allocations.

Over €6.1 million in funding allocated to Offaly sports clubs

Offaly will receive over €6.1 million in funding for sports facilities and equipment in the latest round of Sports Capital Grant allocations, announced today (Wednesday).

A total of 48 Offaly  sporting clubs and organisations will receive €6,170,076, which is made up of allocations for sports equipment as well as allocations to both regional and local clubs.

Around €450,000 of this had previously been announced in last May’s equipment grants, but for most clubs, the Autumn Community Sports Facilities Fund announcement is the significant one.

This certainly proved to be the case for GAA clubs such as Ballycumber, St Rynagh’s HC, Shamrocks, Kinnitty, Daingean, Clara, Belmont, Bracknagh, Clodiagh Gaels and Birr, all of which received between €150,000 and €200,000, the latter being the maximum that could be granted for any local application.

In addition, the Offaly camogie team was granted just under €500,000 to develop a camogie grounds, the Midlands SchoolboyGirls League €482,146 for a full-size astroturf pitch, and the Irish Clay Target Shooting Association €57,224 for upgrades to their grounds.

Allocations for equipment saw a total of seven organisation receive funding, including the Offaly Search and Recovery get €127,835 for slipway improvement and equipment, Shamrocks Ladies Football Club receive €44,520 and Tullamore Camogie receive €32,827 for their gym and training equipment.

The list of organisations and clubs awarded funding for equipment.

Offaly Senator and Government Minister Pippa Hackett said that these success stories are a testament to the incredible spirit of volunteerism and the love of sport that exists in Offaly.

“We know this is a day when all the politicians like to put their hand up to claim credit, and the truth of the matter is that we do work with our local clubs to try and make sure that they can cover as much of these capital costs as possible.

“After all, these clubs are tremendous assets to their local communities, and the benefits they provide in terms of the mental and physical health of young and old alike cannot be overstated” she said.

“I look at examples like Naomh Mhuire Athletics Club and the Midlands Schoolsboys/Schoolgirls league, just two of the ones where they are looking to provide sporting outlets that simply wouldn’t exist if they didn’t step up and try to do something special.

“Any amount of involvement I had in instances like that pales into insignificance when you see the Trojan work and the endless volunteer hours that get put into not just the infrastructure projects of these clubs, but their day to day work in coaching, maintenance and simply keeping the lights on from one week to the next”.

“You look at what Offaly Camogie are developing, and you can count on one hand the amount of ladies’ intercounty teams that have their own home. Already Offaly LGFA have been trailblazers in that regard with Bretland Park, and now Offaly Camogie are doing the same.

“As an Offaly woman, and an avid supporter of all sport, but particularly of women’s sport, I have to say I take great pride in the way the Faithful County is leading from the front in this area”.

The list of Offaly clubs awarded funding under the local allocations category.

Fianna Fáil MEP Barry Cowen has welcomed the allocation of the grant funding to support local and community grassroots sports clubs across Offaly.

He said, “This €250 million investment represents a 250% increase in funding compared with the previous 2020 round of funding.

“There is also a tremendous sense of community that comes from engagement with sports and their associated organisations. Ensuring that we have the right equipment in place and that adequate facilities are provided is key to supporting people of all abilities to get, and to stay, involved.”

Fine Gael Councillor  John Clendennen said the  allocations will be used for improvements to infrastructure such as improving playing and training facilities, astro-turfs, handball alleys, walking tracks, hurling walls, and floodlights.

The councillor said, “It’s fantastic to see a huge variety of clubs in Offaly receiving funding and will come as a major boost to members”.

“It’s also great to see €258,095 of the funding allocated to provide for equipment, which will be really welcome news to members of successful clubs.”

He added that clubs that had been unsuccessful in their applications should bear in mind that there is an appeals process, as well as further opportunities for funding in the future.