Dayna Quinlan of Midland Drama Schools in Tullamore.

Shinrone singer honoured with National Award of Excellence

Shinrone native Dayna Quinlan is set to be honoured with the Overall National Award of Excellence in her singing grade exam for Recital Performance in Musical Theatre Voice.

The 18-year-old singer will be presented with the award from Griffith College Dublin in October.

Dayna has been attending singing lessons with Lorraine Wynne in Midland Drama Schools, Tullamore, since the early age of 9 years.

Since then Dayna has successfully completed all her grades in singing, receiving medals and distinctions year after year, and playing the lead role in many of Midland Drama Schools productions.

The teenager is also a talented performer, making a name for herself through private events throughout the country.

Midland drama School Director and teacher Lorraine Wynne said: “I'm over 30 years now teaching in Midland Drama Schools and the excitement never changes when I receive news of this achievement.

“How proud we are and thrilled for Dayna to have won this award, she has been nominated many times and short listed and now has won it! She is very hard working and exceptionally talented young girl with a very bright future ahead.”

This award is highly sought-after annually by students and is very competitive as nominees and winners are selected by rigorous rounds of adjudication by Leinster School of Music, and Griffith College adjudicators.

Winners are then selected from all the exam students who participate in music, drama and singing throughout Ireland, which makes the selection process even a higher standard to compete in.