Nolan calls for greater investment in cardiovascular disease supports

Independent TD Carol Nolan has said she is appealing to the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly to deliver on what she is describing as an “urgent need for greater investment in medical and support services for persons experiencing cardiovascular disease.”

The Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) estimate that there are 10,000 people in Co. Offaly alone who are affected by a cardiovascular condition. The IHF also confirmed that among stroke survivors in Co. Offaly there is a widespread sense of abandonment caused by a lack of community rehabilitation and support services:

Deputy Nolan said: “This is an issue that I have repeatedly addressed with the Minister for Health but clearly the lack of response from Government in terms of the improvement of services has been minimal or even non-existent in some case.”

“I know from research conducted by the IHF and indeed from the briefings I have attended on this issue with them, that approximately 74% of people who have experienced either heart failure of some other kind of cardiovascular disease have said their psychological support needs are not being met.”

“That is totally unacceptable in a health service that receives €20 billion+ in annual funding.”

“What I am saying quite clearly is that I will be advocating strongly on this issue prior to the Budget so that there is proper investment in the kind of practical and social supports, as well as referral pathways that are needed to improve physical and mental health of patients.”

“This is also an issue that must be given priority at the national level, as I understand from the IHF that there are tens of thousands of outpatient appointments per year with an average wait times of 6-9/12 months.”