Gerry Buckley, representing Midlands Science, receiving its Tik Tok Digital Future Award.

Midlands Science organisation receives Tik Tok Digital Future funding

The regional science outreach organisation Midlands Science is one of only four organisations nationally to be awarded support for the next three years from the Tik Tok Digital Future Fund.

The fund was created by Rethink Ireland, in partnership with TikTok, with the aim of enhancing the lives of young people in Ireland.

It recognises that to build a strong future generation, young people need to be supported to access programmes that build digital or creative skills and equip them for further education or the workplace.

Midlands Science will be running an innovative programme in the Midlands over the next three years called 'My Life Online', which will bring together digital skills, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), communications, and a range of other skills in a range of specially developed bootcamps.

Participants will be further supported to grow their learning, develop standalone projects and share their learning with others in the community.

Jackie Gorman, CEO of Midlands Science, commented; "We are delighted to receive this support from the Tik Tok Digital Futures Fund, which will help us to create a range of activities to support young people in how they engage with STEM and also how they engage online.

"Participants will learn about everything from storyboarding to filming and directing. In year one, we are pleased to be working with Family Resource Centres in Ballymahon and Portlaoise in the delivery of this work and we are grateful for their interest in this project."

Gerry Buckey, chief executive of IT services company of NIS, commented; "As a trustee of Midlands Science and as someone involved in the IT business in the region, I am very pleased to see this Tik Tok Digital Future Award being given to Midlands Science.

"The organisation continues to grow its capacity in effective outreach about opportunities in science and technology and this project will take that work to a different level as participants will generate their own content whilst learning."

Midlands Science is an award-winning science outreach organisation which provides a wide range of free activities across communities in the region, promoting greater engagement with science, technology, engineering and maths.

Its work is supported by a wide of corporate, philanthropic and public sources. More information can be found on