Deputy Carol Nolan.

TD says referenda results are a 'political earthquake'

An Offaly TD has described the result of the referenda as a “political earthquake”.

Deputy Carol Nolan, speaking before the formal return of the results on Saturday, said: “While we await final confirmation that both referendum propositions have been defeated, I think it is safe to say that the people have sent a very clear message to Government; we no longer want any kind of relationship with you, durable or otherwise."

Although she said the result effectively amounted to a political earthquake, she held out “no real hope such an outcome will be enough to generate serious reflection on how far they are out of touch with ordinary people.”

“These referendum votes were as much about the dominance that NGOs have in our current political system as about anything else. People are sick to death of being talked down to by unelected NGOs such as the National Women’s Council of Ireland, who should now clearly be seen as an ideological poison within the body politic.”

“If the government had any cop-on it would shut the door and remove funding from these toxic NGOs who represent nothing but their own self-interest.”

“I am proud and honoured to have advocated strongly for No vote on both counts, and I am moved beyond words at the sense of hope these votes have brought about,” Deputy Nolan concluded.