A stock image of wind turbines.

South Offaly wind farm plan

A planning application for a new South Offaly wind farm which the developers claim will power over 37,000 households with green energy every year has been lodged with An Bord Pleanála.

Cush Wind Farm is proposed to comprise of eight wind turbines in the townlands of Cush, Galros West, Boolinarig Big, Eglish and Ballindown, in Drumcullen parish and just a few kilometres from Birr.

The turbines would have a hub height of 114 metres, a rotor diameter of 172 metres and a overall tip height of 200 metres, according to the planning notice in relation to the Strategic Infastructure Development application by Galetech Energy Developments Ltd seeking approval for a ten-year period.

Upgrade works to two existing site entrances from the N62 to provide access for construction phase also form part of the proposals, along with upgrade of the two local roads, L30033 and L300321, to give access during operation.

The site of the proposed development has a total area of 290 hectares, according to the planning notice, and the wind farm would have an operational life of 35 years.

The application can viewed in Offaly County Council, An Bord Pleanála or at the www.cushwindfarm.ie website, with submissions due to be into the planning appeals board by March 1.