Commuters being 'fleeced' by toll increases, TD says

James Cox

The leader of Aontú says commuters are getting "fleeced" by toll increases.

Toll prices increased on Monday, which Peadar Tóibín said is putting drivers in "commuter hell".

Dublin Port Tunnel peak time prices jumped from €10 to €12, and rose by 50 cent for off-peak hours.

Mr Tóibín is accusing the Government of forcing people out of their cars.

He also said building more rail services would be more effective for the commuter belt than toll increases.

Mr Tóibín told Newstalk: "The Government has spent €300 million to date on Metro North, and not a shovel has been put in the ground.

"For me... that's astounding, that you have a Government that has done all the talk, all the preparations, the investigations, the planning etc. But they won't actually take the final step to actually put the infrastructure in place."