Late Late Toy show appeal raises over €3 million for charity

Kenneth Fox

Viewers of The Late Late Toy Show have raised over €3 million for charity so far.

At the end of the programme last night, the figure stood at just over €3.1 million.

It was Patrick Kielty's first Toy Show at the helm, with one sharp seven-year-old reminding him during the programme.

The Toy Show Appeal raises money for various children's charities and community groups across Ireland every year.

As usual, there were surprises in store as one family returned from Australia while seven-year-old Sheamie was the star of the show with his mullet and his dig at host Kielty.

Also, a kid who sang Ireland's Call in an Irish rugby jersey got a big surprise when Peter O'Mahony and Bundee Aki from the Irish rugby team gave him a jersey.

People can still donate to the cause through the website down below.