Gardaí seize fireworks worth €8,000 in Finglas

James Cox

Gardaí seized €8,000 worth of illegal fireworks in Finglas, Dublin 11, on Monday evening.

The seizure was part of ongoing investigations related to Operation Tombola, which targets the supply of illegal fireworks.

In total, 29 boxes of multi-fire fireworks valued at approximately €8,000 were seized by gardaí.

Investigations into this seizure are ongoing, gardaí said.

In advance of a busy night for all emergency services, An Garda Síochána "would like to remind people that the sale, possession and use of fireworks in this country is illegal".

A Garda spokesperson added: "Fireworks are dangerous and can cause serious injury and/or distress to people and pets, as well as potentially causing fires in properties if they continue to burn after landing.

"It is an offence to throw or direct any ignited firework at a person or property.

"Gardaí are particularly appealing to parents and adults to advise children of the hazards fireworks pose.

"Anyone with any information relating to the illegal use or sale of fireworks is asked to contact their local garda station or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111."