May Scally, Humphrey O’Connor Chairperson Offaly Hospice, Mary Murphy Offaly Hospice, James Laragy The Auld Haggert, Ann Arnold and Mary Boland, pictured at the handover of a cheque for €1,850 from the proceeds of a very successful Coffee Morning in aid of Offaly Hospice which took place last month in the Aul Haggert in Horseleap.

Coffee morning raises €1,850 for Offaly Hospice

Bewley's Big Coffee Morning season for Offaly Hospice got off to a fantastic start at the Auld Haggert, Horseleap when €1,850 was raised last month. As part of National Heritage Week, James Laraghy opened the Auld Haggert to the public and hosted a Hospice Coffee Morning which was a huge success and was extremely well supported.

Offaly Hospice is very grateful to James and his helpers, Ann, Mary and May for hosting the coffee morning and to all who attended and supported it in any way. Prof Humphrey O'Connor, Offaly Hospice Chairperson and Mary Murphy were delighted to be invited to the Auld Haggert recently to accept the very large sum of money raised.