Pictured at Ireland West Airport to mark its record-breaking passenger numbers during the month of August were, (L-R), Joe Gilmore, Managing Director, Ireland West Airport; Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Jack Chambers; Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Dara Calleary; and Mayo councillor John Caulfield.

August was the busiest month ever at Ireland West Airport

Ireland West Airport today announced that August of this year was the busiest month in its 38-year history.

A record 102,000 passengers passed through the airport in Knock during the month, which represented a 10% increase on August 2022 and was 7% higher than the same period in 2019.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023, was the busiest day in the the airport's history, with 4,539 passengers coming through.

Of the 102,000 passengers who used the airport in August, more than 78,000 were travelling between Ireland and the UK.

"It’s a fantastic milestone for the airport to reach over 100,000 passengers in a single month for only the second time in the airport's history," said Joe Gilmore, Managing Director of Ireland West Airport.

"Despite the record numbers travelling last month, our staff's focus continued to be on ensuring the journey through the airport was efficient and a pleasant one for all our passengers.

"The months of September and October continue to look strong and with great value to be had on flights to the UK and Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany it's always a popular time for those looking to get some autumn sunshine or enjoy a short city break," he added.