Dolan welcomes Ballinahown safety measures

Local councillor John Dolan has welcomed the provision of ramps and a crossing at Ballinahown National School

"I have been highlighting the dangerous speed and lack of sightlines in and around Ballinahown National School for some time now. Due to the increased numbers at the school, a number of pupils are dropped off in the main carpark and follow a path at the rear of the hall. These pupils then were crossing the Clonmacnoise Road with no crossing or view," said Cllr Dolan

"I have been working with the school and the development committee to help find a safer solution with the council. I am delighted to see the outcome and hopefully the area around the school will be much safer, and in the near future we can get more measures in the village to slow traffic down and make our lovely village of Ballinahown a much safer place for all road users," continued Cllr Dolan

‘I want to thank the District engineer Willie Ryan for his engagement and work in delivering these works, along with School Principal Tom Keena and Helen Conneely for their work and input into these works."