Zero-tolerance policy won't help Dublin crime problem, says criminologist

James Cox

One of the country's leading criminologists has said a policy of zero tolerance will do nothing to prevent random attacks on tourists.

Kevin Wozniak, who lectures on crime at Maynooth University, was commenting last night on recent attacks against tourists on Talbot Street, Bachelor's Walk and Temple Bar in Dublin.

An Garda Síochána is to commit €10 million towards extra policing in the city centre.

Mr Wozniak said the American experience on zero tolerance has found that it drives communities and police forces further apart.

He told Newstalk: "In many of the communities where American policy implemented zero tolerance policies, it often led to this feeling amongst the residents of those communities that they felt surveilled and harassed by the police rather than protected by the police.

"That worsened the relationship between civilians and police."