A photo of the meeting today which was shared by An Garda Siochana on social media.

Gardai hold meeting on crime prevention at Tullamore Hospital

Representatives of the Gardai in Tullamore took part in a meeting earlier today (Thursday) which was designed to reduce the risk of criminal activity occurring in the town's hospital.

An Garda Siochana shared a photo of the meeting on social media and wrote: "Tullamore Gardaí, with staff and management of Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore, met this morning to engage about keeping staff, patients, and those that use the hospital campus safe."

The post went on to outline details of the 'Hospital Watch' crime prevention programme which has been in place in Tullamore since 2020.

"Similar to the residential Neighbourhood Watch scheme, Hospital Watch operates as a partnership between An Garda Síochána, the HSE, and Tullamore Hospital staff, patients and visitors with the aim of preventing crime within the hospital setting," it said.