Daughter of Pat Smullen to ride in charity race in his honour

The daughter of late Offaly jockey Pat Smullen is to ride in a special charity race in his memory later this month.

The Pat Smullen Race Day in aid of Cancer Trials Ireland returns to the Curragh on Saturday August 26 and includes the Pat Smullen Cancer Trials Ireland charity race.

Hannah Smullen, daughter of Pat, will take part in the race.

She said: “It means the world to me that I have the opportunity to take part in this race to raise funds for CTI.”

In a post on a GoFundMe page which she set up to race funds for Cancer Trials Ireland, Hannah explained: “In 2019, my dad, Pat Smullen organised the Champions Race at the Curragh in aid of Cancer Trials Ireland. He aimed to ride in this himself, but unfortunately did not get that chance.”

“Cancer Trials Ireland provides the hope that dad inspired in so many people. He still inspires me to work harder and be better every day. That is why I would like to contribute in some way to Cancer Trials Ireland, so they can continue to help people to hope,” she said.

The Pat Smullen race day in aid of Cancer Trials Ireland in the Curragh includes a host of events and activities to raise funds for Cancer Trials Ireland, the leading cancer research trials organisation in Ireland.

As well as the charity race day, the day will also feature a special charity lunch which will feature some outstanding auction items. Tables of ten at the charity lunch are available for €2000 and €200 per person, and include a complimentary drinks reception, a sumptuous four-course lunch and post-race entertainment in the Oaks Restaurant.

Prior to racing, the Coast to Curragh charity cycle will take in six racecourses and Moyglare Stud. Starting at Laytown Races and finishing at the Curragh Racecourse in time for the first race, many racing legends will be among the cyclists including AP McCoy.

Frances Crowley, Pat's widow, commented: “We had a very special day the Curragh last year, so I am excited to see the day develop and grow this year.”

“Whether people take part in the cycle, come racing, join the charity lunch or bid on an auction item, their support and contribution will make a massive difference to pancreatic cancer patients for years to come.”

The first race goes to post at approximately 4pm. To book tickets or for more information, please go to www.curragh.ie

To contribute to Hannah's fundraiser please click here