Public Accounts Committee to quiz HSE executives on high salaries

Heads of the HSE will face questions from the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee (PAC) over their high salaries.

It follows concern raised by the Comptroller and Auditor General over the level of remuneration paid to some of the HSE's top-earners.

Figures show one HSE employee earned almost €1 million in 2022, while eight people were paid between €500,000 and €980,000.

Speaking to Newstalk, PAC member and Fine Gael TD Alan Dillon said huge salaries for executives sends the wrong message to other public-sector workers, such as nurses, who may be struggling to pay their bills.

"We cannot ignore the fact some employees are earning close to €1 million, while others are struggling with much lower incomes," Mr Dillon said.

"It is really important as a committee to ensure that this process is transparent and accountable and that the remuneration of high-earners is in line with the organisation's values," he added.