The late Sinéad O'Connor. Photo: Sinéad O'Connor Facebook page.

Clara native's poetic tribute to late Sinéad O'Connor

A Clara native has penned a beautiful poem in honour of the late Sinéad O'Connor, whose death was announced yesterday.

Like thousands of others across the country, Mary Egan Campbell, who now lives in Streamstown in Westmeath, was devastated at the news of the acclaimed singer's passing at the age of just 56.

Mary described Sinéad O'Connor as the voice of her generation, her hero and a great loss to all.

"She inspired teenagers like me to stand up for ourselves and speak out about injustice, to break free of the shackles imposed on us by church and state and our own communities, and I will be forever grateful for her voice."

As a mother Mary said her heart broke for her when Sinéad's son died last year, and she knows that she is at peace now by his side.

Mary wrote this poem in her honour this morning.

The Voice

(in loving memory of Sinéad O'Connor 1966 -2023)

by Mary Egan Campbell

Her song was carried on the winds of change

Her pain poured out across the world stage

And in her words, the blood of injured souls

Crying out for Ireland’s history to be retold

She gave her voice to all who couldn’t speak

In the giving, truth laid bare for all to see

When she sang, all nation’s hearts were broken

Her tears, the tears of all who’d never spoken

Unafraid, but the toll of stepping into the light

Like a moth to the flame, her bravery stole her life

Nothing compares to the pain of a mother’s loss

No one else can know the torment or the cost

Farewell brave soldier, our own Joan of Arc

Night skies have sadly lost their brightest star!