The Central Criminal Court

Offaly man jailed for eleven years for abuse of two children

by Fiona Ferguson

An Offaly man who sexually abused two children has been jailed for 11 years.

The two survivors of the abuse at the hands of Patrick Killally (46) had previously described how it had impacted their lives and told the Central Criminal Court that they spoke out as adults to protect children and encourage others to come forward.

Today (Monday) Mr Justice Paul Burns commended the courage of the men in coming forward and urged them not to be hard on themselves for not speaking out earlier.

“They should be proud of themselves,” the judge said.

Mr Justice Burns told the men they had been young children at the time and few if any children would have felt able to disclose what was going on. He told them the blame rests solely on Killally.

Killally, of Killane Drive, Edenderry, was convicted by a jury following a trial in Mullingar earlier this year of three counts of sexual assault of the first boy on a date unknown between 1992 and 1996. The boy was aged between six and nine years old at the time, while Killally was aged between 14 and 18 years old.

Killally was also convicted of 40 counts of sexual assault, attempted anal rape, oral rape and anal rape of another boy over two years between 2005 and 2007. The boy was aged between 12 and 14 years old. Killally was aged 27 to 30 years old during this offending.

The court heard Killally, who has no previous convictions, does not accept the verdicts of the jury.

Mr Justice Burns said it was clear from the victim impact statements that the abuse had adversely impacted each of the men’s lives. He noted the breach of trust and that Killally had engaged in protracted sexual abuse of one of the complainants subsequent to the earlier offences.

He noted in mitigation Killally had no previous convictions and suffered with anxiety, depression and Type 2 diabetes.

Mr Justice Burns imposed concurrent sentences totalling 12 years and suspended the final year on strict conditions in order to incentivise rehabilitation

One of the men, who was seriously abused by Killally over two years, told the court in his victim impact statement that he had lived with a weight upon his shoulders for 18 years.

He told the court how beginning in 2005 a cloud came over his life, which increased in weight to become a wall and a burden. He said as a young adolescent all he had wanted to do was tell, but that his trust in people weakened and he feared people sneering or calling him names.

The man said at one point his dignity and pride was so bruised and his trust so broken, he felt suicide was the only option. His plan failed but he was still too afraid to speak out.

He described how after many failed relationships he met his wife and she became his “rock.” He said memories came flooding back when he had his own family, but this time suicide was not an option, as he had so much to live for and he felt the need to protect children.

He described giving a statement to Det Gda Bradley at Edenderry Garda Station which had been the first time to tell his story and get it off his chest. He said in May 2023, at the end of Killally’s trial, the wall around him began to crumble and the weight lifted off his shoulders.

“I don’t have to keep a secret anymore,” he said, adding he now knew other children were safe.

He said he was putting his trust and belief into the justice system to make life better and safer.

The man who was sexually assaulted by Killally as a child described how he had suffered throughout his life with anger issues and little care for his wellbeing.

He said he carried the scars of the abuse but would not let it define him. He outlined how the abuse continues to affect his relationships, his family and his efforts to keep his own children safe.

The man said he hoped coming forward would “save more kids from this paedophile and may give others the courage to come out.”

Detective Garda Joseph Bradley told Desmond Dockery SC, prosecuting, that the first boy was sexually abused on one occasion when he was aged between six and nine years old. Killally was aged between 14 and 18 years old at the time of this incident.

The second boy was seriously abused over two years involving oral and anal rape on a regular basis by Killaly while he was aged between 12 and 14 years old. Killaly was aged 27 to 30 years old during this offending.

The court heard both boys were warned by Killally not to tell what was happening to them.

Mr Dockery said the Direction of Public Prosecutions' view was that the rape case was at the uppermost of the more serious category, indicating a headline sentence of ten to 15 years before mitigation.

Colm Smyth SC, defending, told the court Killally maintains his innocence and submitted he had led a blameless life in the intervening years. He handed up a number of testimonials and a medical report.