The official opening of the new link from Clara to Clara Bog

Plans to develop bogs as recreational spaces unveiled

Plans to use midlands bogs as recreational and tourist facilities have been announced by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys

The strategic partnership between the Minister’s Department and Bord na Móna, with an initial allocation of €50,000, is designed to support towns and villages in the Midlands.

Minister Humphreys made the announcement during a visit to Offaly today.

Announcing the new initiative, Minister Humphreys said: “This initiative, in conjunction with Bord na Móna, is about capitalising on the huge tourism potential that is very much on show in the Midlands.

“My Department is already progressing an excellent strategy with Coillte in terms of developing our forest parks – places that are great locations for families and tourists alike to visit.

“And today we are taking the next step in relation to our boglands – turning them into ideal locations for recreational use.”

The Minister added: “This is all about working with Bord na Móna to develop and manage high-quality, enjoyable and safe access to our great outdoors. It’s about opening up these hidden gems so that more people can reap the benefits.

Ger Breen, Head of Land and Habitats, Bord na Móna added: “This funding represents a major milestone in realising the Bord na Móna vision of rehabilitated peatlands existing side by side with renewable energy assets and sensitively developed, biodiversity and natural spaces for public enjoyment.

“The development of recreational spaces within our estate will provide both health and wellbeing benefits for our local communities and support the growth of sustainable tourism within the Midlands, helping to regenerate the local economy.”

Minister Humphreys also officially opened a range of rural development projects during a visit to Offaly.

All of the projects received investment under the Government’s rural development policy, Our Rural Future.

The Minister’s visit began in Croghan where she performed the official opening of Croghan Community Centre Extension. The centre received almost €100,000 under the CLÁR programme.

Minister Humphreys opens the new extension to Croghan Community Centre with Minister of State Pippa Hackett, Cllrs Liam Quinn and Robert McDermott and locals.

The Ballycommon to Kilbeggan greenway link was also officially opened. The new greenway will provide an invaluable recreational amenity for the local community and visitors alike.

The new link between Ballycommon and Kilbeggan was opened.

It received some €313,000 from the Department’s Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme,

At Clara, the link from Clara Town to Clara Life Bog Project was unveiled. It will provide a safe walking and cycling link between the Clara Bog Visitor Centre and the Clara Bog Nature Reserve.

Later was a visit to Mucklagh where the Minister unveiled the upgrade at Brocca Road. Funded under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme the project has enhanced the public space and improved connectivity and pedestrian access in the village.

The Minister continued on to Birr where she visited The Green in the town. This project received €200,000 in funding under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme to upgrade the public realm and to improve access for visitors from Birr Castle to the town centre.

The Minister’s final stop of the day was in Shannonbridge where she officially opened a number of projects funded under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. These included the enhancement of an outdoor space at the Shannonbridge Tourist Office/Lock House and improvements to link the bridge traversing the River Shannon.