Robert Harvey will host a workshop on lilting and whistling.

Rahan Comhaltas countdown to County Fleadh

The Rahan Comhaltas County Fleadh Committee is busy putting the finishing touches to Offaly County Fleadh Cheoil preparations.

On Sunday next, April 23rd will see two workshops, one with Robert Harvey, lilting and whistling. The second workshop with Roisin O’Hara, sean nós dancing. Starting time 10am and finishing at 12. Places are still available and can be booked on 0879712571 or why not come along and join in the Fleadh Fun.

A junior session will take place in the Thatch form 4pm, all juniors are most welcome to come and join in for a few tunes. On Tuesday night, April 25th from 9.30pm there will be a senior session. On Thursday night, April 27th (and every Thursday night) set dancing with Nora takes place in the same venue and all are very welcome to join in. Light refreshments afterwards.

On Friday, April 28th all Fleadh Competitors will head to the competition venue in Killina where the competition commences with the dancing and continues on Saturday and Sunday with all other competitions in Killina Presentation school. Well done to all the committee and everyone who made the recent ceilí a great night fun and a big success.