Council looking for close relatives of people 'directly impacted' by Civil War

Close relatives of those directly impacted by the Civil War in Offaly are being encouraged to submit an expression of interest to attend the National Civil War Ceremony in Dublin on May 28.

The formal ceremony is being described as a healing moment of reconciliation, remembering everyone who lost their lives in the Civil War.

It is being organised by the Department of the Taoiseach and will take place in the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin. The event will be televised from this outdoor location.

The Department of the Taoiseach wishes to ensure that some of the close relatives of those directly impacted by the Civil War have an opportunity to attend this national ceremony. Due to capacity constraints the Department of the Taoiseach have proposed a maximum of five relatives to attend from each local authority area.

The expressions of interest applications are intended for close relatives of the families most affected by local events. There are only five places available for Offaly.

Anyone wishing to submit an expression of interest should email with their name and postal address along with details of their family connection to the Civil War in Offaly.

Closing date for expressions of interest is Tuesday, April 25 at 3pm.

Please note if the expressions of interest exceed the five places available, names will be chosen at random.