Minister Pippa Hackett is pictured at a Summer Solstice event and cutting the ribbon on the new boardwalk around Tony’s Hill in Clara Bog last year.

Hackett encourages applications for Community Peatlands funding

Minister of State Pippa Hackett is encouraging local communities, groups and schools to continue the conservation and revitalisation of raised and blanket bogs by accessing a new funding scheme.

The Laois/Offaly Green Party Senator said: “Applications are now open for the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme 2023. This fund has proven to be a great success in previous years, funding events, trails, restoration measures and beyond. I’d like to encourage everyone who cares about their raised bogs, blanket bogs and fens to consider this scheme – if in doubt, I’d be delighted to help.

“Applications are welcomed across a diverse range of peatland initiatives that offer a community benefit, including events, education programmes, conservation management plans, restoration measures, feasibility studies, public amenity and recreational projects.

"I had the pleasure of attending a Summer Solstice event at Clara Bog, one of Ireland’s finest remaining raised bogs, which received funding through this scheme last year. Successful applicants for this year’s assistance will be awarded funding to support a maximum of 80% of the project's eligible costs, with a maximum grant of €40,000 for designated sites and up to €20,000 for undesignated peatland or fen sites.”

"I look forward to seeing what communities propose for this year’s fund. I continue to be grateful for those communities who are taking a leading role in driving protection of our precious bogs and fens. Peatlands are vast carbon stores and play an important role in preventing and mitigating the effects of climate change, supporting biodiversity and minimising flood risk, amongst other benefits."