A stock image of a wind turbine.

Planning bid for South Offaly windfarm due by summer

Community engagement events on the proposed Cush Wind Farm in South Offaly are to be held later this month.

Cush Wind Farm is a proposed wind energy development by Cavan-based Galetech Energy Developments Ltd of up to 11 wind turbines.

The proposed development is within the townland of Cush, and is planned for land straddling both sides of the N62 (Athlone to Birr road) between Galross Cross and where the N62 meets the N52 (Tullamore to Birr road) outside Birr.

The company says it hopes to have a planning application submitted by summer this year.

Face to face consultation clinics are being held at Birr Golf Club, on Wednesday, January 25, from 2-8pm and in The County Arms Hotel on Thursday, January 26, from 12 noon to 8pm.

Meetings are by appointment only and can be booked by ringing freephone 1800 140247

The company says that although it has not finalised the exact type of turbine to be used in the project, its environmental impact assessments are based on wind turbines with a blade tip height of 200 metres.

It says “in order not to underestimate any potential impacts”, in assessing the impact of the project, “the largest physical dimensions of the largest turbine dimensions suitable to the site have been used...”

It is currently carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment as part of the planning process and the final design will be based on these results.

It is expected that up to 110 construction workers would be employed on the project at peak. There will be a community fund set up in accordance with the Wind Energy Ireland (WEI) best practice and it will be available to the community.