One in two women experiencing menopause describe it as negative experience

New research from the Department of Health shows that 55% of women experiencing perimenopause and menopause describe it as a negative experience, with just 22% describing it as a positive experience.

Data from the research shows that:

Almost one in three (31%) of women 35+ years said they were currently going through perimenopause or menopause

One in two (55%) women experiencing perimenopause or menopause describe it as a negative experience

The average woman in menopause experiences up to seven symptoms at any given time

One in three women in menopause say they have constant symptoms

Only one in five (23%) women in menopause say they would be happy to talk about it to their manager at work

The majority of people (93%) agree that menopause can have a big impact on a woman’s everyday life

Women reported that their most intense menopause symptoms were temperature changes (76%), changes in periods (73%), tiredness (72%), sleep issues (68%), changes in body shape (58%), cognitive issues (56%), mood changes (54%) and joint pain (53%). Also, the research showed if a woman experiences a symptom frequently, she is very likely to say it has a severe impact on her quality of life.

The top pieces of advice women would give other women about menopause is:

talk to your GP

get information / advice

get as much help as you can

stay positive and be kind to yourself.

In October 2022, Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, launched a national campaign to support everyone to talk about menopause, empowering women to talk about their experience with their partner, family, friends and colleagues and enabling all of us to support those experiencing menopause.

The survey of 1,290 adults was completed in November 2022.