Sculptor Cathal McCarthy with Helen Desmond, assistant principal, Scoil Bhride.

Unique sculpture commissioned for Offaly school

MAYO-BASED sculptor Cathal McCarthy has been commissioned to create a new sculpture in Offaly that explores themes of community and the rich legacy of St. Brigid.

The public art piece was commissioned by Scoíl Bhríde NS in Edenderry. The sculpture is being fabricated from mirror polished stainless steel using the latest technology.

The artist is being assisted by a specialist team in Olandi Stainless Fabrication in Castlebar.

The artwork has been created in collaboration with 100 students and staff of the school.

The sculpture itself incorporates several hundred laser cut letters that form a poem about life in the school, local heritage and lore. The words and texts were created via a series of engagements with the students, the artist and teachers in Scoíl Bhríde. The final text includes some phrases from poems by famous local poets and authors.

The open form of the sculpture will provide an intriguing landmark for the school entrance to be enjoyed by students, parents and staff members. The work references the rich heritage of Edenderry through the ages and the flora and fauna of the Grand Canal.

It is hoped that this artwork will remain relevant and loved by future school communities by integration into school projects and curriculum.

The artwork was funded the Per Cent for Art Scheme following the building of the new school. The sculpture was commissioned by the Office of Public Works and curated by Rina Whyte.

The sculpture is due to be installed in spring 2023.

Speaking about the work, Cathal McCarthy said that it was a big privilege to work with the students and staff of Scoíl Bhríde to help realise the sculpture and he hopes that the work will resonate with the school users and staff for many years to come.

McCarthy has created a number of iconic sculptures nationally including The Player in Ballindine and Stream Spire in Mullingar.

He is currently developing a new public art sculpture for Hochstadt in Germany.

You can follows Cathal's work at