Niamh Hickey from Rahan (on left) is pictured with two friends on a visit to the the most easterly point of the Australian mainland, Cape Byron in Byron Bay, New South Wales, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Australia.

Niamh will miss her Christmas visit to Granny Bernie

Niamh Hickey is from Killaranny in Rahan and has been living in Sydney since March of this year. A fully-qualified nurse, she made the big decision to move to Australia along with two close friends, having put their plans on hold for over two years due to Covid. They now work as nurses in Sydney.

The biggest difference between Christmas at home and in Sydney is “definitely the weather” according to Niamh, and she admits that it is “very easy to forget the time of year it is” as there isn't the same type of hype or build up at all.

Being so far away from home was difficult at first, and she says “the homesickness took a while to settle” but she is now enjoying going to different places and meeting new people. “One of the best parts is definitely the weather, and there's always somewhere to go or something to do,” she says.

The downside, especially at Christmas, is not being at home with her family and friends. “Missing Santa coming to my three nephews will be hard,” she admits, but luckily she has an aunt and cousins living close by in Sydney so she will spend Christmas Day with them along with her two friends.

Niamh has “too many good memories to choose from” when she thinks of Christmas at home in Rahan. “One of my favourite Christmas memories and traditions would have to be our Christmas evening visits to my Granny Bernie for plenty of food and catch ups with family, and I also have great memories of all our Christmas nights out with my home girls,” she says.

Neither Niamh or her friends have really noticed any build-up to Christmas in Sydney as there are “not many decorations or lights to see” and the sunshine also makes it even more difficult to conjure up a Christmas atmosphere!

“I'm still looking for a new Christmas tradition here, but I'm looking forward to spending time with friends over the festive season,” she says.

Niamh and her friends will go into the centre of Sydney to see the fireworks display at the Opera House to ring in the New Year, which is something they are looking forward to.

She would like to send Christmas greetings to all her friends and family back home and says she is going to “miss all the craic and laughs” they have every year.

“I'm hoping to be home soon to make up for it,” Niamh Hickey concludes.