Shane Owens from Coologue, Daingean is pictured with his wife, Colette, and daughters, Grace, Lillian and Cora on a visit to Santa Claus in Bahrain.

Daingean's Shane and his festive traditions in Bahrain!

Shane Owens is from Coologue in Daingean and has been living in Bahrain in the Middle East with his wife and family since 2019. He is son of Teresa and Noel Owens and has a sister Lisa and a nephew called Bobby, all of whom live in Daingean. Having originally decided to take up an initial 18-month contract with ESB International in Bahrain in August 2019, Shane and his family are still enjoying life in the Persian Gulf almost four years later and welcomed another daughter, Cora, into their family two years ago to join big sisters, Lillian (7) and Grace (5).

This year Shane and his wife, Colette, who took a career break from her teaching role, will spend their second Christmas in Bahrain, and the biggest difference they will notice is that Christmas is “actually a normal working day” according to Shane. “Christmas Day is a Sunday this year and that is the first day of the working week so life continues as normal with shops and stores open but, in saying that, there is a lovely festive lead-in to Christmas with different events and Christmas really is what you make it yourself with your family” he says.

While admitting that they will miss having their families around to celebrate Christmas and catching up with grandparents and cousins, they plan to Facetime them in the afternoon on Christmas Day when the girls will get a chance to show off their Santa presents!

Shane Owens and his wife, who is from Monaghan, are members of the Arabian Celts GAA Club, which has been “a great asset” in creating a community feel to their new surroundings. In October they attended the Bahrain Games where GAA Clubs which kicked off a full weekend of GAA-related activities in the Middle East.

Bahrain offers the Owens family all the convenience of living in a city but, because it's so small, Shane says “you definitely get that local village/small community feel” and the Bahraini people are “very warm and accepting of all different religions, cultures and nationalities.” Pope Francis recently visited Bahrain at the invitation of the King and attended many events including celebrating Mass at the country's national stadium.

There are “lots of amazing places to eat and drink” in Bahrain and the weather from October to March is “just perfect” says Shane Owens, so the family makes great use of the outdoor lifestyle and the access to the many pools and beaches.

However, one of the downsides to life in the Middle East is the relentless heat of the summer months, with temperatures often reaching 50 degrees between May and September. “We usually go home during the summer months as it is too hot here and everyday living is very difficult and restrictive,” he explains. The landscape in Bahrain is “quite barren” and the family miss the natural beauty that “Ireland has in abundance” and the outdoor forest and park walks.

Shane Owens from Daingean is pictured with his wife, Colette, and their three daughters, Lillian, Grace and Cora enjoying their new life in Bahrain on the Persian Gulf in the Middle East.

Shane, Colette and their girls will meet with friends and neighbours on Christmas morning and then spend the rest of the day sticking with tradition, as they would at home “over-indulging on food, playing board games, watching a Christmas movie and talking to family back home” according to Shane.

He adds that a lot of people dine out on Christmas Day at one of the buffet-style banquets offered by local hotels, where even turkey and ham is served! “There would also be entertainment for guests, and because the weather is so mild at Christmas it is possible to eat outdoors.”

One of Shane Owen's best memories of Christmas in Offaly is all of the extended family meeting up at his Granny and Grandad Lynch’s house on the Main street in Daingean where they would get to spend time with cousins, aunts and uncles visiting from other parts of the country. “There would be lights on in every room, with games of cards going on amongst the adults and other fun and games amongst the kids. That always brought great fun and excitement and is a real stand-out memory from Christmas years gone by,” he says.

Even thought they are far from home this year, Shane Owens and his family have been enjoying the festive build-up in Bahrain, and will attend a Christmas part in their local rugby club on Christmas Eve which will hopefully include a visit by Santa!

They haven't yet managed to establish their own Christmas traditions in their new surroundings, but their two eldest girls took part in a Christmas carol singing event at the lighting of a Christmas tree in the city, and Shane says this is perhaps something that “could easily become a tradition”.

The family are planning to go to Abu Dhabi for a few days after Christmas, which is a one hour flight away, and will partake in some fun events with their daughters. “We haven't decided on New Year yet, but Bahrain will be having fireworks displays that we might attend,” adds Shane.

They would like to send Christmas greetings to all their family in both Monaghan and Offaly and their extended family and friends up and down the country.