Picture-perfect: Shelly McLoughlin and her sister, Ellen, pictured in Meribel in the French Alps where they will both be working for Christmas this year.

Picture-perfect Christmas in the French Alps!

Shelly McLoughlin is originally from Glaskill, Screggan but recently moved to live in Rath, Birr. Ever since her first experience of skiing eight years ago, she longed to return to the ski slopes but says her “job, studies and funds didn't allow it”.

All that changed in late October when she jokingly said to her younger sister, Ellen, that she might spend the winter skiing. “I ran and got my laptop and we both started looking up jobs in the Alps for the craic and, to our surprise there were endless opportunities to work for a season,” she says.

The sisters moved to France and will spend their first Christmas away from home this year working in one of the most picturesque places in Europe – 3 Valleys Ski Resort in Meribel, high up in the snow-covered French Alps.

Having completed her Masters in Behaviour Analysis, Shelly applied for a career break from her job at Scoil Bhride in Clara and, although it was very hard to say goodbye to the staff and pupils, she admits that it was "time to see a bit of the world". After completing numerous interviews with childcare companies for jobs in the Alps she was lucky enough to be hired by the same company as her sister, Ellen, in Meribel and the company set them up with "a gorgeous apartment right in Meribel centre just 500 metres from the ski lift" which they share with another Irish couple.

Shelly McLoughlin pictured on the ski slopes in Meribel, in the French Alps, where she will spend Christmas this year.

From the minute she arrived in snow-covered Meribel, Shelly McLoughlin says she got into the Christmas spirit "right away because the decorations were up all over the village and everywhere was covered in snow. “Luckily we had over two weeks here before we started work so we were able to soak up and appreciate our new surroundings, as well as make friends and socialise loads with our fellow colleagues."

The best part about her new surroundings is the lifestyle. "It is such a sociable place, and there are lots of opportunities to make connections with amazing people. “All the seasonaires are here for the same reason – to ski, meet people, enjoy apres and make a bit of money. Depending on your work week you can usually start or end your day with skiing which is amazing. There is always something happening! Luckily, so far I haven’t come across any negatives about living in Meribel apart from missing my friends and family at home," she says.

Shelly feels grateful to have her sister, Ellen, with her and is excited to "make new Christmas memories with her and the friends we’ve made" but she admits that she will miss the traditions from home like spending Christmas Day with family and cousins "and the craziness of St Stephen's nights with the girls".

She will spend Christmas Day skiing with friends and colleagues, and then partake in some 'aprés' (afters) before going to Jacks, a local restaurant, around 7pm for Christmas dinner!

Working and living in a snow-covered holiday destination where there is "a great atmosphere and a great buzz" means that the build-up to Christmas has been "a lot better in Meribel than at home,"according to Shelly, who adds that the "snow, decorations, socialising and the fact that I didn't have to start work straight after I arrived in Meribel has made the build-up so lovely!" She says she is also really enjoying the nights in the apartment with Ellen and their housemates "watching Christmas movies." Shelly McLoughlin is planning to ring in the New Year in her local with her sister and their friends, and she would love to send Christmas greetings to her family, friends and all the staff in Scoil Bhride, Clara, and is looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of months.