Revamp earmarked for Kilcormac Garda Station
Kilcormac's Garda Station, which dates back to 1800, and was once home to the town's courthouse, looks set for an accessibility revamp.
The OPW recently published a Part 9 planning notice indicating its intention to carry out what's described as a “Universal Access upgrade works” on the building, which is a protected structure, at Birr Street in town.
What's included is a new accessible public counter and refurbished public office, refurbished day room, to include a tea station and relocation of the existing toilet from the former cell to adjoin the day room.
A new glazed screen to the public lobby and two new structural openings to provide secure access between the public office and the Garda day room is also provided for in the development in the building, which according to the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) was previously in use as a rectory at one time, and a courthouse.
In terms of the exterior of the imposing two-storey premises, the project includes the replacement of the existing concrete path from the public footpath and rising of the existing threshold flag stone to provide level access into the barracks.
Drawings and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection by appointment only and with two working days notice between 10am and 12.30pm and between 2.30 and 4pm in the Kilcormac Garda Station, Frankford, Kilcormac or from the OPW office in Trim Co Meath for the next six weeks. Appointment requestscan be made by emailing: or by calling 0469422000.
Written submissions or observations in relation to the proposed development can be made within a six week period, commencing from the publication of the planning notice, on November 23 to the Office of Public Works, Property Maintenance Services in Trim Co Meath.