Tullamore Women's Shed searching for new home

The accommodation crisis that has impacted virtually every sector of Irish society over the past year has now landed at the door of Tullamore Women’s Shed.

The group, which was only set up in March, and has proved to be hugely popular, have been given until September 2 to find a new premises and they have issued a public call for anyone with a suitable premises to consider making it available to them.

Since March, over 50 members of the Women’s Shed have been meeting every Friday morning in a room in Castle Buildings which was kindly provided to them by the Laois Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB).

Secretary of the Women’s Shed, Frances Walsh, told the Offaly Independent this week that the new initiative in Tullamore has been “a huge success” with over 160 paid up members and a regular weekly attendance in the region of 50 women, a number of whom “travel long distances” to attend the group.

“So many people lost touch with each other during the Covid lockdowns, and many of our members have told us that joining the Women’s Shed has really turned their lives around and has had a hugely positive impact on every aspect of their lives,” said Frances.

Since the Tullamore Women’s Shed began their weekly meetings they have organised craft mornings, yoga, dance, sing-along sessions and ukulele lessons for members, to name but a few. The emphasis is very much on coming together as a group in a social setting to combat isolation in the community, and also to “have a bit of fun along the way”, according to Frances Walsh.

Gina Condron, who is PRO for Tullamore Women’s Shed, said they are “desperately in need of a new premises” by the September 2 deadline, and they are happy to meet any morning of the week if they can secure a suitable place to get together. She also points out that the are "very grateful" to LOETB for having made a room available to them over the past four months.

She has put the call out to anyone who might have a large shed that the members can paint, or a large room. “Maybe there is an old hall or a school in the vicinity of Tullamore that we could use” says Gina, who points out that the premises must be “accessible by foot” for members who do not have transport, but that it would also be great if “some parking” were available.

Gina has asked anyone who thinks they might have a suitable premises that could be used by members of Tullamore Women’s Shed to contact her directly at: 086 8250811.

Women’s Shed have been set up in a number of locations around the country with the aim of encouraging women of all ages to re-connect with themselves, with each other, and with the wider community. They are safe and non-judgmental spaces where women can meet, learn new skills and participate in various projects.

Membership for Tullamore Women’s Shed is €20 per year, and the group is open to all women over the age of 18.