FF Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick.

Parking issue at Cloneygowan school highlighted

A local councillor has contacted Offaly County Council in relation to parking at, and around, Cloneygowan National School.

Fianna Fail Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick says he was contacted by local residents and the School Principal due to the increase in student numbers attending the school.

"The area around the school is totally congested at drop off and collection times and local residents are fearful if emergency services are required at these times," he says

The school is now in the process of securing planning for an extension to the school which will see further congestion, according to Cllr Fitzpatrick, who stresses that now is the time to start planning for car parking spaces or the provision of a school car park.

" I will be contacting the roads section of Offaly county council to devise a proper parking plan for Cloneygowan NS," concludes Cllr Fitzpatrick.