€100,000 in Offaly library funding for Covid-19 measures

The Government has announced today that each of the country's library authorities will be given €100,000 in funding to upgrade and adapt their libraries in response to Covid-19.

The funding is expected to see works carried out in libraries locally during the remaining months of 2020 and in early 2021.

The €100,000 in funding for Offaly's library authority can be use for a variety of measures according to the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys

"The works range from the installation of study pods, to perspex screens, to building extensions; all of which will make a real difference to the library buildings as they adapt to the new public health guidelines," she said.

"These works will strengthen the library’s position as a community hub and ensure that it is a modern, well-equipped and comfortable facility that will leave a positive legacy for years to come."

Minister Humphreys announced that €3 million was being provided by the Department for the "small scale capital works" in libraries, and this would be matched with a further €1.1 million in funding from local authorities to give a total investment in libraries nationally of €4.1 million.