Bord Pleanála passes Birr mixed use development

An Bord Pleanála has just given the go-ahead to amendements to a mixed use development on the Tullamore Road in Birr. The 3.24 hectare site will house a mixed retail/commercial and leisure develeopment, which will include a medical centre, cafe, restaurant, creche and gym and will have 458 car parking spaces. In 2006 permission was granted for a mixed retail/commercial development at this location and the buildings were to be arraged in a u-shaped layout towards the eastern boundary of the site. The site has now been slightly enlarged through the addition of a triangular area along the eastern boundary of the site. The additional site will allow for a further 66 car parking spaces to serve the development. The floor area of the anchor store will also be increased by 279.98 square metres and a new mezzanine floor will be added to the anchor unit to accommodate staff areas such as offices, cloakrooms, canteens and stock/storage areas. Birr Town Council granted permission for these alterations on March 13 last year subject to four conditions, including that the developer submit a written agreement showing a maximum net retail space of 3,044 square metres. Other than that amendements granted, Birr Town Council said that the development was to otherwise be carried out in accordance with the parent permission granted in 2006. A third party appeal to the planning board claimed the development would undermine the vitality and viability of the town centre and give rise to unsustainable car journeys. The inspector found that Birr Town Council had dealt appropriately with the amendments now sought and that its decision should be upheld. The inspector decided that the proposed amendments would not seriously injure the amenenities in the aera or of property in the vicinity and would not, in themselves, undermine the vitality and viability of the town centre of Birr and found that it was in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.