All the details of what restrictions have been lifted

The country is set to open up from lockdown sooner than expected as the Taoiseach announced measures this afternoon which will see some aspects of the 'roadmap' implemented sooner than originally stated.

There will now only be only four phases, with phase three on June 29 and phase four from July 20.

All shops outside shopping centres can open from Monday, and the shopping centres can open on June 15.

From Monday over 70s and the vulnerable can welcome people to their homes. Also from Monday people can travel anywhere in their own county or 20km from their homes, whichever is the greater.

Phase three, beginning on 29 June, will see all domestic travel restrictions lifted.

From Monday groups of up to six can meet indoors or outdoors once they keep two metres apart.

Groups of up to 15 people can meet for outdoor sporting activities.

Playgrounds, once supervised, can reopen from Monday. Summer camps can also be held once no more 15 people mixing together.

Athletes can return to training and greyhound racing can resume without spectators.

Also from Monday, up to 25 people can attend funerals.

Hairdressers and barbers opening remains in Phase 4, July 20.

Dr Holohan said there is no evidence to recommend less than two metres as a social distancing requirement.

NPHET will develop guidance for hospitality sector in coming days, he said.

The Taoiseach said Government decisions had been kept in line with public health advice.

The data is going in the right direction, the R number has stayed below one, there's a downward trend in the number of cases and the Government has watched what has happened in other countries.

He said “more and more this is going to be less about government rules and more about a long term change in how we live our lives”

Mr Varadkar said no date is in mind for air travel to resume. He said he would encourage people not to go booking flights.

Business Minister, Heather Humphreys said when we return to shops next week, it will not be the high street that we left behind.

“Customers should be prepared to queue, and are encouraged to shop locally.”

Health Minister Simon Harris said non-Covid work is under way in hospitals.

The board of the HSE will consider a non-Covid plan in the coming days and the resumption of screening services are being considered.

He said there should be a clear timeline later this month.

The changes:

• You can travel within your own county, or up to 20 km from your home, whichever is greater. These travel limits will be lifted from the end of June.

• Groups of up to 6 people will be able to interact with each other indoors or outdoors, once they keep at least 2m apart. Groups of up to 15 will be able to meet for outdoor sporting activities.

• For those who are over 70 or medically vulnerable, it will be possible to welcome a small number of visitors into your home, with physical distancing observed.

• Shops will also provide dedicated hours for those who are over 70 or in an at risk group.

• All retail stores can reopen, but opening times will be staggered to relieve pressure on public transport. You are encouraged to shop locally, shop safely and support businesses in your community.

• Up to 25 people will be allowed to attend funerals of loved ones.

• Public libraries will commence re-opening.

• Playgrounds can reopen from Monday, and outdoor camps for children can also be run, once there are no more than 15 people involved.

• Certain types of elite sports training will also be possible.

• More people will be able to return to work, including all those who work on their own or whose work can be done safely while staying 2m apart from others. Working from home should remain the norm for those who can do so.

• Marts can re-open and greyhound racing can resume without spectators.