Anti turbine group to fundraise for judicial review
Stephen Carroll, chairman of Rhode Parish Wind Turbine Action Group, says he plans to seek yet another judicial review of the previously approved Yellow River Wind Farm.
Mr Carroll will seek the review, he says, on the basis that while permission was granted for the wind farm, it was not granted for a connection to the national grid.
The wind farm would consist of 29 turbines on lands stretching from Derryarkin and Croghan near the Westmeath border including Derryiron, Coolcor, Coolville, Ballyburly, Greenhills, Bunsallagh, Derrygreenagh, Knockdrin, Wood, Killowen, Corbetstown, Carrick, Garr, Dunville, and up to the Meath border at Castlejordan and Balllinabrackey.
The project was granted permission in June 2014 and the Rhode Parish Wind Turbine Action Group already sought a judicial review, raising funds locally to make their legal challenge which was heard in 2015.
In 2016, the review found the group had not successfully proven their case.
However, Mr Carroll believes that a similar case taken in County Cork found that a wind farm and a grid connection must be granted permission as one whole project.
Mr Carroll says once again he will be fundraising door-to-door to bring the judical review in a bid to stall the construction of Yellow River for two years.
'It still has permission, but if we can stall it for a couple of years, we will.
'Anything can happen in two years, the rules are changing all the time,' he told the Offaly Independent.
'Once again the hard working committee members of Croghan and Rhode, Castlejordan and Ballinabrackey are gearing up and preparing to take this judicial review.
'It is much easier and cost effective to fight this application now before a windfarm is constructed, ' Mr Carroll continued.
'To this end we would ask that every resident throughout these communities to please once again stand with us and give whatever help and support that can be mustered.
Whether it's €10, €20 or €100, all of it helps.'