Over 2,000 Offaly students to sit exams
Today (Wednesday) is the beginning of Leaving and Junior Cert exams for almost 2,100 students in Offaly.
A total of 1,024 students are registered to sit Leaving Cert, LCVP and Leaving Cert Applied exams in the county, while 1,067 are to sit Junior Cert exams.
Slightly more male students than female are registered to sit the exams in the county.
Nationally just under 58,000 are registered for Leaving Cert exams, while just under 61,000 are registered for the Junior Cert exams.
The Leaving Cert kicks off today with English paper one and Home Economics. Junior Cert students are facing two English papers.
Speaking about this year’s exams, chairman of the State Examinations Commission (SEC) Richard Langford described them as “an integral part of growing up in Ireland”.
Exams for the remainder of this week include Engineering and English paper two tomorrow (Thursday) and Geography and Maths paper one on Friday for Leaving Cert students. Junior Cert candidates face two Irish papers tomorrow, and Geography and Maths papers on Friday.
The results of the Leaving Cert exams will be available on August 13, while Junior Cert results will be made available in mid-September.