The new graveyard map in Rhode.

Rhode Parish Historical group launch new graveyard map

In a welcome development for those tracing their roots or with an interest in local history, Rhode Parish Historical Group have launched a new graveyard map, the first in Offaly, outlining all marked graves at St Peter’s Church in Rhode.


The map has been created by Irish Graveyard Surveyors, a Mayo company founded in 2007 by funeral undertaker Michael Durkan. Irish Graveyard Surveyors provide a data recording and mapping service, recording and plotting the details of every grave within a graveyard.


This data will be displayed on a sign at the graveyard in Rhode, online at and through the QR code on the map.

Irish Graveyard Surveyors have completed many graveyard maps all over Ireland but the map in Rhode is the first in Offaly.


The map has been created with a lot of help and work from Rhode Parish Historical Group who have liaised with the graveyard surveyors and the parish team at all steps of the survey, through organisation, editing and finalising.


The project has been made possible with part funding from Offaly County Council and from the group’s own fundraising. Rhode Parish Historical Group would like to extend their appreciation to Edenderry Municipal Council and local Fine Gael councillor Liam Quinn, who is a great supporter of the group. Appreciation is extended to local businesses, Fran’s Flowers of Rhode, Martin Nolan Headstones of Rathcobican and Pat Larkin Undertakers of Edenderry who are also sponsors of the map.

Rhode Parish Historical Group would also like to acknowledge the support of the parish team Fr Greg Corcoran, Deacon Gary Moore, Mrs. Nuala Quinn, Fr Larry Malone & Fr Sean Hyland as well as assistance from graveyard caretaker Declan Cox.

Parish services are available on the parish’s Facebook page ‘Rhode Parish’ and on FM108 on radio. These services are very welcome at this difficult time.

The new map will be erected at the entrance to the graveyard in the coming weeks and will prove very helpful for visitors locating graves and families tracing relatives.