Edenderry Lions Club presents €2,500 raised for Offaly School of Special Education
Edenderry & District Lions Club has presented the proceeds of its recent annual Texas Hold’Em Jimmy Grady Tournament to Offaly School of Special Education, Offaly's only dedicated special school.
A group of parents, staff and pupils, representing the school, accepted a cheque for €2,500 from the local voluntary organisation.
The school said this generous sum would directly benefit its 42 students. Offaly School of Special Education serves children from across the county, including 12 from the Edenderry area.
At present the school is in a temporary building which lacks many of the basic resources and facilities that purpose-built special schools have.
It explained that, currently, the only option for providing the pupils with much-needed recreational activities is to travel outside of the school grounds, which is very costly as the school does not have its own transport.
All monies raised through fundraising go towards providing recreational resources and increasing the frequency and variety of therapies available for the school's children.