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Nolan voices concern over impact of biofuels on diesel vehicles

Independent TD for Offaly Carol Nolan has said she is increasingly concerned about what she said was a lack of Government oversight surrounding non-fossil fuel components like Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) and Hydro-treated Vegetable Oil (HVO) that are being used as part of efforts to reduce carbon emissions and reliance on traditional petroleum-based fuels.

Deputy Nolan said there is growing evidence that a lack of oversight, specifically on the percentage of FAME that is being blended with diesel is leading to significant adverse and costly outcomes for engine performance and vehicle maintenance, particularly for long-haul fuel intensive vehicles:

“As I understand it, under current EU law the maximum percentage of FAME that can be blended with diesel is about 7%. Unfortunately, what is now becoming very clear, at least in Ireland’s case, is that there is effectively zero national oversight in place, beyond self-reporting, to ensure that the blend levels do not exceed this percentage. This is turn is creating enormous sector wide concern among hauliers and indeed motorists who own older vehicles and for whom the negative impact of FAME biofuel is already well established,” said Deputy Nolan.

“I am aware that hauliers are bringing these concerns to Europe in the next day or so, but really what we need at this point is a guarantee from the Minister for Transport and the Minister for the Environment that they will respond to these oversight concerns and take them seriously.”

“We know that EU targets are in place to ensure that there is at least 14% renewable energy in transport by 2030, often via biofuel blending. What I am saying is that we need to rethink that policy if the use of biofuels is being shown to generate widespread operational challenges and repair costs for motorists and industries who must continue to use diesel powered vehicles for the foreseeable future,” concluded Deputy Nolan.