L-R: Vlad Zlatov, Elena Minkova, Power4Good. Beth Wogan, Family Carers Ireland, Brian Sheridan, Chairperson, Power4Good, Rose Dunne, Family Carers Ireland, Molly Buckley, President Power4Good, Lorraine Corrigan, Thato Thebe, Anita Thomas, Power4Good, pictured at the presentation of a cheque for €5,000 from Power4Good to Offaly Family Carers.

Power4Good presents cheque to Offaly Family Carers

A cheque for €5,000 has been presented to Offaly Family Carers from the very successful Power4Good Black Tie Charity Ball which took place last November.

The cheque was presented to Beth Wogan, Offaly Family Carers, by Molly Buckley, founder member and President of Power4Good.

Molly expressed her delight at being in a position to make such a generous presentation to a very deserving organisation like Family Carers Offaly, and she thanked Tullamore Credit Union and W.R.Shaw for their sponsorship of the Black Tie Charity Ball, and all the businesses who gave spot prizes, as well as all those who attended the social event.

Beth Wogan, Offaly Branch, Family Carers Ireland, spoke of how much the donation will mean to Family Carers and she highlighted some of the services and supports that Family Carers Ireland provides to its 500,000 carers throughout Ireland. These include in-home respite service and counselling and a confidential one to one service in person to family carers in need of support.

There are 10,000 family carers in Offaly, who receive information, support, and much needed respite. The mission of Family Carers Ireland is to benefit the community by supporting and promoting the health, well being and quality of life of family carers and those for whom they care.

Power 4 Good Ireland, a registered charity based in Tullamore, supports services for young people with a disability in Zambia to ensure they can enjoy full human rights and achieve their maximum potential. Power4Good also make contributions to local services for children and young people with autism in Offaly.