Kilcormac launch of Silver River study next Thursday

The findings of a major feasibility study on Offaly's Silver River will be made public at a special event in Kilcormac next week.

The Silver River Feasibility Study, which was commissioned by the local angling club and supported by Offaly Local Development Company (OLDC) and the Kilcormac Development Association, will be launched in Kilcormac Community Centre on Thursday night next, February 20, by Professor John Feehan.

The Silver River Angling Club was established in 2017 and was instrumental in securing funding from OLDC to fund a feasibility study in the river between Ballyboy and Kilcormac.

All stakeholders, including the farming community and local clubs, were invited to review how they can improve the river as a top-class amenity for locals.

The study examined the social and ecological benefits that the river brings to the local community, and was conducted by Rory Dalton Ecology Research and Solutions Ltd.

The author of the study, Rory Dalton, will be in Kilcormac Community Centre next week to present the findings of the feasiblity study.

Two local representatives from the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), Cathal Flood and Joan Martin, who are expert in community water and farming for water opportunities, will provide their insights and outline potential funding opportunities.

The Silver River Study Steering Committee consists of Brendan Bennett and Eoin Woodlock (Angling Club), Catriona Duggan (OLDC), Linda Kelly (KDA), Cathal Flood, Basil Mannion and Joan Martin (LAWPRO), Michael Hanna, Mary McIntyre and Salters Sterling.

Next week's presentation on the findings of the Silver River Feasibility Study gets underway in Kilcormac Community Centre at 7pm on Thursday, February 20, and will conclude at 9pm.

All groups and organisations interested in the future ecology and amenity value of the Silver River are invited.