Meeting planned to form Offaly Bat Group

Bat expert Anna Collins, of Kildare Bat Group, will facilitate a meeting in Tullamore this month in order to form an Offaly Bat Group.

The meeting will take place on Saturday, February 15, at 3pm at Tullamore Library. It marks the beginning of what Offaly County Council described as "an exciting initiative to protect and promote bat populations in Offaly."

Wildlife enthusiasts, conservationists, and community members are being invited to discuss the formation of the group, its goals and how it can support the ongoing objectives of wildlife charity Bat Conservation Ireland.

"Bats form a vital part of our rural and urban ecosystems, like many species’ groups, bats are facing ever increasing challenges from a variety of sources, including the loss of habitat and roost sites and through disturbance.

"Protecting bats through policy and best practice, as well as supporting the formation of an Offaly Bat Group are actions included in the soon to be published Offaly Biodiversity Action Plan," said Ricky Whelan, Biodiversity Officer at Offaly County Council.

The Offaly Bat Group aims to raise awareness about bats, conduct surveys to monitor local populations, and organise events such as bat walks and workshops to engage the public. Volunteers and new members are welcome to join and contribute.

This initiative is supported by Offaly County Council's Biodiversity Office.

For more information about the Offaly Bat Group or the upcoming meeting, contact: