Call for primary care centre for Edenderry
Fianna Fáil Councillor Claire Murray-Smale has called for the new Government to prioritise the urgent establishment of a Primary Care Unit in Edenderry.
“This is one of my main reasons for deciding to run in the local and subsequent general elections," said Cllr Murray-Smale.
“As a nurse, working in the community, I can see how huge the need is for a Primary Care Unit in our town. Edenderry is the second largest town in Offaly, with the second largest population which is only growing yet we do not have access to a Primary Care Unit where we can access multi-disciplinary care in a purpose-built environment," she said.
"Staff in GPs, Physiotherapy departments, public health centres, occupational therapy spaces and so on do their absolute best with what they have access to but now is the time to establish something that the people in North Offaly need.
"Edenderry, in coming years, will enjoy a state-of-the-art library and swimming pool and these developments are so warranted and warmly anticipated. I feel if we could establish a Primary Care Centre, it would really bring Edenderry in line with the other large towns in Offaly, Tullamore and Birr," she said.
Cllr Murray-Smale pledged to do all she can as a councillor to bring about the delivery of a primary care centre.
"We may not all use the library or pool, but it is very likely most people will need help with their health, in some capacity, over the course of their lives. I am the Vice- Chair of the HSE Midland Regional Forum and I will highlight this when we meet, next month.”