Ferbane Town Team. Back L-R: Padraig Boland (Town Champion), Colm Beirne, Feargus McGarvey, Olwen Cummins (Town Regeneration Officer, OCC), Kieran Guinan, Justin Daly, Eamon Dooley. Front L-R: Gemma Darcy, Anne Galvin, Joshua Connon, Roisin Lennon, Edel Waldron. Missing from photo Aoibhinn Molloy Roche

Ferbane Town Team, Offaly County Council and TUS host community workshop

Offaly County Council, Ferbane Town Team, and Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) hosted an information gathering workshop at Gallen Community School in Ferbane earlier this week.

The event, on Tuesday, October 22, saw an excellent turnout, featuring highly interactive and productive sessions that yielded valuable feedback on the town of Ferbane.

Dr Shane O’Sullivan, Technological University of the Shannon, presented statistics on the town of Ferbane, which were based on the results of the 2016 and 2022 census, as well as outlining how Ferbane compared nationally.

The community participants then identified and discussed the town's strengths and opportunities as well as the challenges it faces; business and services currently serving the town as well as other ideas to make Ferbane a more vibrant place to live, work and visit.

All this information will feed into the Town Centre First Plan which is currently being developed by the Town Team in Ferbane.

The plan will guide the regeneration of Ferbane, build on the positive initiatives taking place and set a new vision for the town’s future by identifying key projects for development.

A questionnaire was also launched on the night, and Olwen Cummins, Town Regeneration Officer with Offaly County Council asked for “many people as possible to complete the short questionaire, which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete”.

They survey can be accessed via the following QR code or via https://forms.office.com/e/fsRbU7SRkf

The deadline for completion of the survey is 12 noon on November 8.